Employee Information

Manager Contact Information:

John Valente    416-520-9934

Ram Schapira  416-333-5555

Al Salomon        416-402-3455


General Update and Return to Work Information

Updated: Saturday, April 4 @ 2:30 PM

Hello M&O Team

As difficult as things are, I hope you are enjoying the new Spring sun and temperatures.

In preparation for a “soft” opening Monday, we have been busy putting processes in place that will create a safe environment for our employees.  Attached is a summary of what we are currently practicing and will be for some time moving forward.

Please do keep sending along to Ash or myself any inspiring and creative  ways that have kept you and your families busy and happy.  Anything goes, at the table enjoying a meal by yourself or with your loved ones, creative and fun ways the kids are being inspired, ways to energize yourself indoors…..

Stay safe and stay well

COVID-19 Employee Safety Procedures

Employee Sign In Procedures

Kitchen/Shipping Employees

  1. Upon arrival wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 15-20 seconds at the kitchen hand wash station beside the dishwasher area. Proceed to the lunchroom
  2. Put on a mask. Cover your mouth and nose and ensure there are no gaps between your face and the mask. Do not touch the front of your mask while you wear it.  Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 15-20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you accidentally touch your mask.
  3. Fill in the COVID-19 self-assessment form
  4. Before entering the change room ensure that there are no more than 2 people in the change room at any one time. When in the change room ensure that you are practicing safe distancing with a minimum of 6 feet from each other.
  5. Before punching in sanitize your hands, more specifically the finger you use to sign in with
  6. Sign in
  7. Wash your hands again before starting your work day.

Front Office Employees

  1. Upon arrival wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 15-20 seconds in the bathroom. Proceed to the boardroom.
  2. Put on a mask. Cover your mouth and nose and ensure there are no gaps between your face and the mask. Do not touch the front of your mask while you wear it.  Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 15-20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you accidentally touch your mask.
  3. Fill in the COVID-19 self-assessment form.
  4. For those that are hourly, please proceed to the kitchen time clock
  5. Before punching in sanitize your hands, more specifically the finger you use to sign in with
  6. Sign in
  7. Wash your hands again before starting your work day.

Lunch Time Procedure

  1. Lunch and dinner buffets will be placed on a table in a straight time
  2. Table will be accessed on one side only
  3. Employees must approach the table one at a time while exercising safe social distancing
  4. Employees must line up using the taped lines as a guide for safe social distancing
  5. The employee lunch room will be closed until further notice

Coffee Station

Employees must practice safe social distancing when using the coffee station. Only one employee at the station at any one time

Visitors Sign In

  1. All visitors must use the front door of unit 18 entrance
  2. All visitors must hand sanitize, put on a mask and fill in the self-assessment form.
  3. Visitors cannot move outside of the taped area at the front reception desk


The boardroom will be closed until further notice. Meetings will take place from our desk.  Conferencing ability will be communicated

Touchless Receiving

  1. Drivers cannot enter the building if they answer yes to any of the 4 standard COVID-19 questions posted outside the receiving entrance.
  2. Drivers are not allowed past the receiving area
  3. Receivers are to stay on the other side of the plastic curtains
  4. Drivers are to leave all goods in the receiving area either on the stainless steel table or on the plastic skid.
  5. Drivers are to then leave the invoice on the stainless steel table and wait outside the receiving door
  6. The receiver is to inspect and sign the invoice
  7. The receiver is to hand the invoice outside the door to the driver with no physical contact
  8. We must ensure that we do as many key drops as possible to minimize contact


Touchless Delivery for M&O Drivers

  1. Before departing the office, the driver must ensure their vehicle contains Lysol wipes or Lysol spray and paper towel and hand sanitizer.
  2. When arriving at the client’s location, call the client to let them know that you have arrived
  3. Inform the client that you will be leaving the delivery at the front door and will either ring the doorbell or knock on the door once the delivery is completed
  4. Before leaving the vehicle, sanitize your hands and put on a new pair of vinyl gloves
  5. Place the order at the front door
  6. Stand back from the door a minimum of 6’ once the order is placed at the front door
  7. Wait for the client to receive and inspect the order. As the client to remove the food from the rack and then leave the rack outside. Approach only once the client has closed the door to retrieve the blue racks.
  8. If you are delivering alcohol and there is concern that the person receiving the order is not 19 years of age, politely request that they ask someone who is 19 years of age or older present themselves at the door to receive the order.
  9. Thank the client for their order.
  10. When returning to the vehicle remove the gloves, sanitize the hands and sanitize the high touch surfaces in the vehicle



Updated: Friday, April 4 @ 3:30 PM


Below is another very good link to Service Canada which details who is eligible for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit(CERB). To summarize it seems that if you applied for EI March 15 or earlier then you would stay on the regular EI benefits.  If you applied for EI after March 15 then you would default to the CERB plan.  This may still vary from person to person but there is specific criteria which will be detailed in the link below.


Hope this is helpful and we look forward to asking more employees back as soon as possible.

Updated: Thursday, April 2 @ 6:00 PM

We are pleased to inform everyone that we are reopening Monday April 6.  However, we are doing so in a very limited manner and with numerous restrictions.  As a result, we currently have very few staff scheduled at this point.  We have already notified those that will be returning or those that are on call to return next week.  For those that have not received any communication we will continue to provide you with as much information as possible moving forward on this web page.

For those that are returning to work, we have a link below which is a very effective tool to help explain how returning to work may effect EI.


Thank you for everyone’s patience during this very challenging time and we continue to hope that you are doing everything you can to keep yourselves and your families safe and healthy.

Updated: Thursday, March 26 @ 2:00 PM

Hope everyone is safe, healthy and finding fun ways to pass the time.

Some may have noticed that our traditional format of social media posts are no longer.  We want to replace this with any images that you may want to share that shows how you and your families are passing the time.   This can be in the form of the family around the table enjoying a meal, an image of your plated meal, creative ways to keep the kids entertained….etc.  Ash has already provided images of Prasad’s family breakfast and Joanna’s delicious looking chili.   Lets have fun with this.  Please send the images to either Ash(chefashtad.d@gmail.com) or myself(jvalente@marigoldsandonions.com).

As you may already be aware, the federal government has updated their commitment to Canadians with enhanced eligibility for employment insurance (EI) and a new emergency benefit.  See link provided by Chris P which provides more detail.


Also, below is a handy link that displays the importance of thoroughly washing your hands.   This is important not only now but always.

Updated: Monday, March 23 @ 3:30 PM

Good Afternoon

We ran into a bit of a road block today with the hourly staff etransfers.  This is the result of daily limit restrictions allowed through this method of payment.  Wayne was able to get special permission(yeah Wayne!) from the bank to increase this limit but only to a certain value per day.  As a result, the etransfers will be done in 4 batches over the next 4 days which means that some may not receive their payment until Thursday.  If you have not received your payment by this day please follow up with either Al or myself.  Our apologies for these delays but please be assured we are acting as quickly as possible to ensure you receive your payments this week.

For those that don’t have direct deposit on their etransfer account, please call Al or myself for the answer to the security question.

Salary staff should have already received their formal layoff notice outlining the additional support.  Al and I will be calling each individual tomorrow morning between 9:30am and 11:00am to answer any questions and further explain where necessary.

Thank you again for everyone’s patience.

Updated: Sunday, March 22 @ 4:00 PM


Hope we didn’t wake up too many people this morning with our phone calls.   If anyone of the hourly employees is not comfortable or unclear with what we discussed, please take the time to call either Al(416-402-3455) or myself(416-520-9934).  We’ll be happy to further explain.  For those that do not have email, we did not send out the hard copy of the lump sum payment information.  We will be sending this out with the hand written cheque tomorrow.  We will communicate personally with those individuals before we do so.  There were a few people that we were not able to get a hold of.  If you did not speak with Al or myself today, it is very important that you please call either Al or I back no later than tomorrow.

Last but not least, for the salary employees, we have final sign off from RECIPE regarding their commitment.   We will be emailing this detail in the form of a formal layoff notice tomorrow morning and following up with a personal phone call either tomorrow afternoon or Tuesday morning.

Lets all continue to work together to help flatten the curve and also never forget about those incredible front line healthcare workers.

Updated: Saturday, March 21 @ 3:20 PM

Good Afternoon

As promised, we have emailed the letters detailing the RECIPE/Marigolds and Onions lump sum payment information specific to hourly employees .  Al and I will be calling all hourly employees Sunday between 9:00am and 12noon.  For those that do not have an email address we will be sending the hard copy by Uber in the morning. I will call you before it is sent to ensure you are available to receive it.

As for salary employees, RECIPE is still finalizing their commitment and we hope to have more concrete information tomorrow.

Thank you again for everyone’s patience.

Be Well and Be Safe!

Updated: Friday, March 20 @ 4:50 PM

Thank you to everyone who has provided their email address.

RECIPE has just authorized a lump sum payment for hourly employees which displays their extraordinary commitment to their employees.  Wayne is currently working feverishly to do the necessary calculations.  We will communicate this to each employee individually in the form of a formal layoff notice which will also detail the manner in which this lump sum will be paid. For those that do not have email, we will either hand deliver it or have it couriered to you.  In addition we will also follow up with a personal phone call to each and everyone. This will take place Saturday and Sunday.

For salary employees, RECIPE is now in the process of finalizing their commitment.  Once authorized, we will communicate this in the same manner as detailed above for our hourly employees.   We predict this to be communicated early next week.

For those that have not already registered for EI with Service Canada, we suggest you do so as soon as possible.  In the case of salary employees who have not yet been issued an ROE,  you can still register for EI.   The electronic version of your ROE will merge with your EI application once received by Service Canada.

We may all know this by now but there is nothing lost by repeating this again and again. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed. Prevention measures include:

  • Practice social distancing
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 15 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are ill
  • Stay home when you are ill
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then immediately throw the tissue in the garbage and wash your hands
  • If you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve or arm
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

A handy site to frequently check is Toronto Public Health:  https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/

Thank you for everyone’s patience in this very challenging time.

Stay Safe and Healthy!

Updated: Thursday, March 19 @ 3:30 PM

RECIPE is continuing to work hard to come up with a plan to support M&O employees during the layoff period.  In order to communicate this individually to each employee, we need everyone’s updated email address.  Can you please email me and put your full name in the subject line. This communication detailing the support plan will take place in the next few days. My email address is:


Updated: Thursday, March 19 @ 9:30 AM

I would like to remind everyone again that there will be NO interruption to the group health benefit package.  Marigolds and Onions will also pay the employee portion of the benefit premium during the layoff period.

A handy link for the federal government’s response to supporting Canadians financially during the COVID-19 outbreak can be found @:


Marigolds and Onions and RECIPE are currently working together to provide a solution to further support our employees during the COVID-19 layoff period.  Please stay tuned for more information.

Updated: Wednesday, March 18 @ 2:11PM

Apologies for the error below. Health benefits will not be interrupted.

Marigolds and Onions Group Health Benefits: If you are currently enrolled, the group benefit package will NOT be interrupted during the layoff period. We are also pleased to confirm that the employee portion of the benefit premium will be paid by Marigolds and Onions during the layoff period.

Updated: Tuesday, March 17 @ 4:00 PM

Hourly employees are able to follow up with Service Canada effective tomorrow.

Salary employees will be able to follow up with Service Canada effective Tuesday, March 24.

See below for Employment Insurance(EI)application instructions

EI Regular Benefits Application Requirements

  • Record of Employment (ROE)– From each job you have had in the past year (52 weeks). If your employer submits your ROE electronically, you do not need a paper copy. Wayne has already submitted your ROE electronically.
  • Your Social Insurance Number (SIN) – If you have a SIN that starts with “9”you also need to show your work permit and proof of your immigration status.
  • Personal identification – Such as your driver’s licence, birth certificate or passport.
  • Your complete bank account information – You can find this on your bank statement. Or you can bring a personal cheque – write “void” on the cheque. The government uses this information to deposit your payment directly into your bank account.
  • Your detailed version of the facts – If you have quit or have been dismissed from any job in the last year (52 weeks).
  • Information about your most recent job – Such as: your salary (total earnings before deductions including tips and commissions), your gross earnings for your last week of work (from Sunday to the last day worked), gross amounts received or to be received (vacation pay, severance pay, pension, pay in lieu of notice or lay of) and other incomes. All of this information has already been made available on the ROE form submitted to Service Canada

If you are missing some of these documents, you can still apply. This will help prevent delays.

If you want to apply for special benefits, you may need more documents. Find more information about special benefits.

How to Apply

To apply online: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-regular-benefit/apply.html
Or you can apply at a Service Canada Centre near you: